Remember When

One of the fun things about managing the BGEast Facebook page is coming up with monthly themes for posting pictures. Inevitably, this leads me to come across matches, and wrestlers, I’ve not thought about in a long time but at one point were, shall we say, rather important to my viewing fantasy life? Take March, for example. I decided to make March #MarchMuscles, and so then I had to find guys who, you know, I haven’t posted tons of pictures of in the past (cough Alexi Adamov cough Rio Garza cough) because, after all, my favorites aren’t necessarily everyone’s favorites; and besides, there are some guys who weren’t around as much, or haven’t been around in a while who deserve a shout out.

And I came across these two, from Fantasymen 18: Troy Milan and Corey Young.

Nice, right?

Check this out:


Seriously, where does the Boss find these guys?

I  originally ordered Fantasymen 18 because the other three matches on the tape featured wrestlers I loved to watch: Brad Rochelle, Mike Columbo, and Joe Mazetti. I never watched the fourth and final match on the tape–sometimes I’d get to the end of the Mazetti match with Derek D’amore and rather than stopping the tape, I’d start picking up things or doing something and the tape would keep playing, showing the start of this match, with the two of them, in shirts and shorts, entering the mat room. Then I’d stop, and go about the rest of whatever I was doing.

The tape was sitting in the VCR when I turned it on one day, and I hadn’t rewound; the previous time I’d let the tape keep going into the last match, the way I did sometimes, but when the tape started up, it was at the point where Troy Milan took off his tank top. Rather than hitting rewind, I thought, whoa, and set the remote down.

Matches aren’t always released close to when they are taped, and I know this was sometime after 2003? Maybe 2004? I don’t recall exactly, but I know I hadn’t switched the DVD’s yet, but I remember looking at Troy’s torn up, ratty cut-off jean shorts and thinking, wow, I used to have a pair similar to that but it’s been years.  And then Corey took his shirt off, and I decided it was time to watch this match at long last.


At first, I was really drawn to Troy’s body; long, lean, ripped and defined. But…Corey, who was a little shorter and whose muscles were thicker, looked like one of those straight boys from the football team, you know what I mean? Muscled, somewhat defined but not ripped and lean; athletic and sexy and jockish. It was almost like a battle between a football player and a non-jock who loved working out, ate right, and wanted to look hot as fuck. The first fall, when they wrestled around in the cut off shorts and the square boxer-briefish shorts Corey was wearing, seemed more like two straight boys horsing around and having fun, wrestling to see who was the better wrestler.

They also both had incredibly thick Boston accents, which also kind of turns me on.

The first fall went to Troy, who got cocky and started mocking Corey for losing; and then slid off his shorts to show off a thong and an amazing ass. Corey just shook his head, said in his thick accent, “Oh, no you didn’t,” then slides off his own to reveal a red thong…and the quads and glutes of fucking death.


And in that instant, I switched totally from Team Troy to Team Corey.

I wanted my thick football player with that fucking amazing ass to just wipe the mats with the lean muscleboy.

(to be continued)

3 thoughts on “Remember When”

  1. When I got Fantasymen 18, I was sure I was going to key off on Troy. Then I saw him wrestle, and I hated him! In a good way. You know, I relished watching Corey shut him up and muscle him across the mat at will. Troy is just too pretty and cocky. I totally switched teams at exactly the same moment you did. #TeamCorey


  2. Oh, feel free to feature Alexi Adamov (there was one great match in which he hung from an overhead pipe while wrapping his legs around his opponent’s head) or Chase LaChance. Please!


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